Building genuine connections for a more successful business
Strategic Partner
Ayvens Operational lease and fleet management
Key Annual Partner
CBRE Hungary Commercial Real Estate Advisor

At CBRE we are providing integrated and tailor made commercial real estate solutions for our clients. We are part of a global network, that is currently the world’s leading commercial real estate service provider.

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Strategic partner
Heineken Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt. FMCG

HEINEKEN Hungary Breweries PLC. is a key player in the Hungarian beer market. Our brewery is located in Sopron.

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Strategic Partner
Philips Hungary Ltd. Health Technology

Royal Philips of the Netherlands is a diversified technology company, focused on improving people’s lives through meaningful innovation.

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H-1117 Budapest, Alíz utca 3. IV. Office Garden 4. floor
Phone: +36 70 602 3238 Email: info(@)